Monday, January 14, 2008

...tired. tired...

I'm exhausted. Not like I have the flu or anything. Just tired. My body feels like it's resonating. I think I mean resonating. If resonating means pulsing or rhythmic shaking then I definately mean resonating.

I remember when I used to take LSD to feel like this, well, sort of like this. Turns out if I had spent the day performing some sort of hard labor or otherwise taxing myself I could have achieved very nearly the same feeling and instead of spending money I could've made a bit. Funny old world, ain't it?

Party, party, party. That's why I'm tired. My daughter turned 7 today and we had her kiddo birthday party on Sunday. Saturday night was for the adults, in her honor, of course but definately an adult party. It was, let me count... the 13th party we've hosted/thrown since Thanksgiving.

All the parties were loads of fun but loads more work and at the end of this stretch of festive occasions I must say that the cost:benefit ratio is falling off a bit. My wife has sworn no more fiestas until at least May. I tried to get her to commit to May 2009 but she wouldn't budge. If you know her you'll know she can be stubborn!

In this eight week stretch of budget busting frivolity I have not read a single book. My stack of gift books is now 8 high and I have more books in a trade-as-you-go circle that I have been sitting on since August. My brain is shriviling.

I'm off to counter afore mentioned brain shrivilage by starting up on my book stack.

Cheers and yes, I do have a zombie escape plan!

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