Monday, February 4, 2008

Oh, No! I'm A Self Promoting Sell-Out!

Before Christmas last year I reluctantly created a myspace profile,, so that I could trade music with my best friend. We never traded any music but I did keep in touch with him, initially. Since I was on there anyway I decided to seek out old friends and found six or seven people who I have not been able to track down via conventional methods in years. Yea myspace! On the down side myspace sucks. It's slow, the pages take forever to load typically because people have their favorite song-o-the-day load automatically, and then there is the SPAM on top of SPAM smothered with SPAM with a bit of SPAM on the side. Boo myspace!

My good friend and brother in law gave me an emphatic "NO" when I suggested he get a myspace account and read my blog from time to time. "You should blog on blogspot so I can read your most introspective and very sensible thoughts." quoth he. "Brilliant Old Bean" quoth I in return. Now there are two avenues for the good citizens of the blue planet to expose themselves to my... well, me.

But alas! Is there yet another way to learn a bit more about the very modest, and humble Brian Patrick? Why yes, there is.

If one were to navigate the interweb and find themselves in the vicinity of and then accidentally hunt and peck their QWERTY keyboard in a very particular order and the word "ladyfish" found it's way into a search box that may or may not be found on afore mentioned web page then one might find some info on a sailboat owned by, you guess it, your's truly. Well, your's truly and his wife.

I guess the self promoting part is accurate but not the sell out. I have nothing of integrity to hock to my fellow righteous and worthy like minded peeps. Even less likely, anything to hock to "the man" who could take said thing and mass produce and commercialize it for the hordes of lemmings who are hungry for the next big thing. Who is "the man" anyway? Maybe next time.


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